Terms and Conditions
- 遞交報名表格即表示參加者知悉、接受及將遵守所有須知事項。
- 報名以先到先得方式處理。
- 如參加者在報名確定後要求轉班,可向主辦單位查詢;但主辦單位並不保證能夠成功安排。
- 主辦單位保留更改活動時間或取消活動的權利。
- 合資格參加者可申請資助。每位參加者只可申請一項活動之資助。 詳情可參閱「資助申請表格」。
- 除主辦單位改動活動時間以外,不設補堂。
- 補堂不設轉換日期或時段。未能出席者作自動放棄補堂論,所繳費用恕不退還。
- 如參加者退出活動,所繳費用恕不退還。
- 如因非主辦單位所能控制之情況引致活動更改或取消,恕不補堂或退還款項。
- 除事先取得主辦單位書面同意外,活動中不得攝影、錄影或錄音。
- 在參加者的申請獲確認後,參加者即同意主辦單位獲授權於課堂、表演或相關活動中攝影、錄影及錄音的權利。所有相片、影片及錄音之版權均屬主辦單位所有。
- 主辦單位有權使用該等相片、影片及錄音作任何相關用途,包括但不限於展示、展覽、廣告、網站、廣播及宣傳材料,而不作另行通知。
- 如參加者在活動期間因蓄意破壞而導致主辦單位支付額外開支,須對主辦單位作出合理賠償。
- 活動屬自願參與性質,參與者願意承擔一切風險及責任,如參加者或其同伴因參與課程而導致財物遺失、損失或傷亡,主辦單位概不對該等遺失、損失或傷亡負責。
- 參加者須遵守香港特別行政區法律。主辦單位對參加者任何違反法律的事情,概不負責。
- 主辦單位有權對上述條款及細則作出更改,及有權對任何活動、優惠及推廣作出更改或中止而無需事先通知或對任何一方付上任何責任。
- 如有任何爭議,主辦單位保留最終決定權。
- Upon submitting the Enrolment Form, a participant is deemed to have accepted all Terms and Conditions of the programme.
- Enrolment is processed on a first come, first served basis.
- Change request may only be catered while capacity allows. The Presenter does not guarantee all request to be entertained.
- The presenter reserves the right to reschedule or to cancel the programme.
- Qualified participants can apply for subsidy. One participant can apply subsidy for one activity only. Please refer to ‘Subsidy Application Form’ for details.
Make-up session or Refund
- No make-up will be arranged except activities cancelled by the Presenter.
- All kinds of leave or further change request will not be entertained in make-up session. No make-up or refund will be arranged for those who are absent for a make-up session.
- No refund for any participant withdraws from the activity.
- No make-up or refund will be arranged for activity alteration or cancellation due to enforced closures beyond control of the Presenter.
Photos, Video and Audio Recordings
- No photo-taking, video-taking or audio recording is allowed during the activities unless prior written consent is obtained from the Presenter.
- A Participant is deemed to have authorized the Presenter the right to take images, videos, sound recordings during classes, performances or related activities. All images, videos, sound recordings will belong to the property of the Presenter. The Presenter reserves the right to use the images, videos, recordings for any related purposes including but not limited to displays, exhibition, advertising, websites, editorials and promotional materials at any time in the future without the need to seek further permission.
- Participants shall indemnify and/or reimburse VBCMA in respect of any additional expenses or costs incurred by VBCMA arising from or in connection with the fault or action or behaviour of participants.
- All participants enrolled in activities do so at their own risk and the Presenter is not responsible for any loss, damage, injury or death to participants or their guests as a result of participating in the activities.
- Participation should comply the law in Hong Kong Special Administration Region. The organiser is not responsible to participants’ violation of law.
- The Presenter reserves the absolute right to change or amend any of the above Terms and Conditions, to change, cancel or withdraw any of activity arrangement, privileges and promotions any time without prior notice and without incurring liability to any party whatsoever.